Who is the
SLC Chair?

The SLC or the Student Life Committee is the official body responsible for conducting all activities related to student life. All clubs and cultural events at IIIT-H come under this body. The SLC Chair is the head of this body. The position is currently held by Prof. Tapan Kumar Sau.

Get Started

Letter from SLC Chair

Dear Student,
Congratulations and a very warm welcome to International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H). You are entering a new phase of your life and must be eagerly waiting for the new experiences and life in a new environment.
Here in IIIT-H, we emphasize serious academics along with harmonious and complete development as a human being. This kit has been put together to provide essential information about IIIT-H needed to help you get acquainted with the institute. It contains :
1) Welcome message from the Director.

2) Welcome message from the apex body of student mentors with information about student life at IIIT-H.

3) A check list of documents and accessories which the new students should bring with them at the time of physical registration.

4) Instructions about ‘how to reach IIIT-H’.

5) Procedural details and the schedule of activities planned during the first two days.

6) A list of hotels for parent's accommodation.

For boarding during this period, we have provided you with a list of hotels near IIIT-H.

Thanking You
With Best Regards
Prof. Tapan Kumar Sau
Chair, Student Life Committee
IIIT Hyderabad