Echoes is where IIIT welcomes its newcomers with heartfelt testimonials and greetings from current students and alumni. It's all about sharing experiences, stories, and a warm welcome to the IIIT family!

Soveet Kumar Nayak

B.Tech in Computer Science

Batch of 2020

Hey buddy! Congrats on being freed from the chains of hyperbola equations and long carbon chains. You must be anxious about joining a new place of study, living far from home. But soon you will be drowning with things to do, clubs to join, lectures to attend, opportunities to prove yourself at, problems that you need to solve (running at times also works).

Your life at this college is surely going to be an adventure. You’ll have lots of tales at the end. But for now, go dive into whatever you feel like exploring. From coding to skateboarding, from debates to dance, from escaping on trips with your friends to being a part-time researcher. I put myself into whatever I felt like trying; Felicity, Honors, Apex, OSDG, visiting other colleges and a lot more. While the academics at IIIT are infamous, you will later realise what they train you for. A good balance of fun and acads are needed to survive this college :p.

The only advice I have for you: Go be an extrovert. It’s a small community but contains great diverse set of people (all aces in their own way if you would take my advice). Make friends, don’t be stuck in your room or in front of your laptops, interact with your seniors (who are going to be your TAs :D). Now that I am writing this while being weeks away from my convocation, I will not change a thing about those 4 years. It really did change me as a person, had a lot of fun and learned a bunch of things along the way.

Welcome to this new world!

Shreeya Singh

B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Batch of 2020

Welcome to IIIT Hyderabad!

I understand that many of you might feel as confused and overwhelmed as I did when I first joined this institution. For the past two years (or more), most of us had been aiming for an exam and chasing things like a “high package” without any idea on how we plan on achieving them. Your primary aim, however, much like mine was four years ago, is likely to make yourself and your parents proud and trust me, by the time you graduate from IIIT Hyderabad, you will have achieved that and much more.

The one advice that could help you make the most of your time here: TALK. Engage with as many people as you can – your batchmates, juniors, and especially your seniors. A great way to do that is to be a part of as many communities as you can, I got to interact with so many of my seniors and juniors by being part of Apex, The Dance Crew, Felicity or as a House captain. All these experiences contributed significantly to my journey.

Beyond the academic and career opportunities, you will create countless cherished memories, from your fresher’s night to your farewell. I will never forget the times I spent pulling all-nighters before quizzes, having maggi at BBC after labs, late-night dance practices and walks, and of course enjoying biryani with my friends. This college will give you so many opportunities to pave your own way and accomplish anything. Learn about the various career possibilities that are out there and discover what truly suits you.

Build memories, relations, a career and in that process, yourself.

Swetha Vipparla

B.Tech in Computer Science

Batch of 2020

Hey guys, Congrats on making it to IIIT! You are stepping into an exciting new chapter of your life :D When I first came to campus, everything felt new and overwhelming, even though I was already in my 2nd year at the time (consequences of covid). We had to do all the networking and interactions online, but you guys are incredibly lucky! To be able to meet and make new connections in person is an experience to cherish. It’s a vast arena of opportunities, so make the best of what’s available to you. Some of the bonds you make now last a lifetime, and I am grateful to IIIT for giving me my amazing friends.

One of my best decisions was to get involved in campus activities early on. Whether it’s joining clubs, sports teams, or student organizations, getting involved helps you meet new people and find your community. It’s the best way to interact with seniors and develop valuable new skills.

IIIT, in general, demands a high level of independence and self-discipline in academics. Hence, it’s crucial that you effectively manage your time. Don’t fret, though. It’s a good opportunity to evaluate your strengths and interests, so set your priorities accordingly.

While academics are important, remember to balance your studies with social activities and self-care. Make time for hobbies, exercise, and relaxation. I have so many fond memories of hanging out with my friends at the various canteens in IIIT, whether in the morning or late at night. These moments of relaxation and social interaction are just as important as your academic achievements.

This might sound cliché, but the entire 4 years just flew past in an instant. Looking back at it, there are so many moments I hold dear. Though my journey had its fair share of failures and setbacks, I am thankful for those experiences. They, along with the support I received, helped me become a more resilient and determined person.

As you embark on this incredible journey, remember to embrace every moment, both the highs and the lows. Each experience contributes to your personal growth and shapes your future. Take full advantage of the opportunities available to you, build lasting relationships, and strive to find a balance between academics and personal well-being.

Mayank Modi

B.Tech in Computer Science and M.S. by Research in Computational Natural Sciences

Batch of 2015

Taking up a dual degree course with an unheard of MS speciality was perhaps the moment where I decided to cut off from the herd. CND at IIIT is a unique attempt to bridge the amalgamation of Applied Sciences and Computer Science. Aimed at making engineers well versed in the field of biomolecules, theoretical physics and various other domains, CND is a great place for a curious mind.

IIIT has been a resourceful cradle for development on a lot of fronts. With a small community I have been able to be a part of various clubs apart from having started one of my own. My experience with IIIT has been laced with a lot of opportunities with a great location in the heart of the city. While there have been troughs through this overwhelming journey and the course has demanded some rigorous hours to be put in, I have definitely been blessed with a broader vision for things.

At the end of it all, college will be a universe in itself which will be a great chance for you to follow your instincts and shape yourself as the curriculum develops you academically. You will make buddies for life, learn things you’d least expect and fill up the storyboard of your life.

From an optimist's viewpoint the administration will really prepare its pupils for work, your life will become your own along with your choices, and adventures will no longer be limited to ships, magic and pirates.

P.S. Collect friends as your crowning jewels.
Welcome Aboard!

Siddharth Mavani

B.Tech in Computer Science

Batch of 2020

Congratulations on securing a spot at IIIT-H! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and you are about to embark on an exciting new journey. Just a few years ago, I was in your shoes, filled with curiosity and a touch of anxiety about what college life would hold.

I remember my first week vividly—being the first COVID batch, I was super scared and anxious about how I was going to interact with people and make friends. The uncertainty of virtual classes and the lack of physical presence seemed daunting. However, the warmth and support of my peers and mentors quickly bridged the gap. We connected through virtual study groups, online clubs, and social media, and despite the distance, I soon felt at home with a welcoming group.

Academics here can be demanding, but they're also incredibly rewarding. Approach your studies with discipline and diligence, and you'll soon realize that it maybe isn't so difficult. Beyond the classroom, IIIT-H offers a plethora of opportunities to explore your interests, be it through coding clubs, sports, cultural events, research projects, or entrepreneurial ventures. There's something for everyone, and you're encouraged to dive in and discover what excites you.

The transition from school to college is significant, and it's perfectly normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at first. But rest assured, this place has a special charm that will make you feel at home. You'll grow, learn, and create unforgettable memories.

Step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Go kick a football for the first time, string a guitar for the first time, or join a club that piques your interest. Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow, because college is the perfect place to discover new passions and create unforgettable memories. Take risks, make friends, and enjoy every moment of this amazing journey!

Lalitha Kameswari

B.Tech in Computer Science and MS by Research in Computational Linguistics.

Batch of 2017

Hey buddy!

Congratulations on getting an admission into this college after all your hardwork and those painful exams. Entering from school to college is one of the biggest transitions we all make. Exactly one year ago, when I was looking at the same website, I was extremely curious and puzzled about what college had in store for me.

On the day of registration, I walked in with a myriad of questions in mind. But within a week, I stopped feeling lonely and had made so many friends on campus. This place where you're going to stay for the next couple of years has a charm of its own. So, for those of you who will be staying away from home for the first time, you can trust me when I say you'll find a new home here with a family of amazing peers and seniors.

Though academics might look stressful in the beginning, you'll fit in the groove as long as you're enthusiastic to learn. Explore different activities with an open mind. Finally, welcome to this place which will witness you improve and grow as a student and person.

Rajas Vanjape

B.Tech in Computer Science and MS by Research in Computer Science.

Batch of 2014

I joined IIIT Hyderabad through Olympiad mode. I chose IIIT Hyderabad over an equal, if not better option, as it offered both theoretical and practical Computer Science courses and better placement opportunities. After 4 years, I don’t regret my decision.

Due to its excellent course structure, students are introduced to different aspects of computer science in first two years and get to work on an interesting research problem of their choice in later years. This enables them to work on challenging engineering problems in their career. The strong foundation provided by the course structure helped me bag an internship at Facebook London.

Some of the best experiences for me in IIIT include participating in ACM ICPC, wherein I got the chance to travel to China and USA to compete against some of the best universities of the world in a programming competition.

Another thing which I thoroughly enjoyed was being a teaching assistant in my 3rd and 4th year. It involved designing assignments for first year students and taking tutorials. This helped me in improving confidence and also made me more responsible.

Along with computer science, IIIT also gives emphasis to humanities courses. You also get to interact with people from different parts of the country and get to learn about their culture. All these things have broadened my views about life and have turned me into a better person.

If you want to learn new things and are ready to work hard, you are at the right place!

Riya Pal

B.Tech in Computer Science and MS by Research in Computational Linguistics

Batch of 2014

When I walked into this college, I was a bundle of emotions. Scared, confused and excited, all at the same time. Soon, I met my batchmates, seniors, and it has been a rollercoaster ride ever since.

After getting over the initial shock of how different college is from school, ( or our coaching days ;) ), it amazed me to see the diverse and awesome set of people I found here. Coders, dancers, developers, musicians, bookworms, athletes, just about everybody has something great to offer.

The curriculum of CLD is pretty similar to CSE barring a few courses. It gives a perfect blend of computer sciences and working with language technologies. Working with the intricacies of Indian languages and dealing with them computationally is an upcoming field which fascinates me. While the workload may be heavier than you might expect, you’ll find yourself being surprised at every little detail you notice in a language you thought you knew for your whole life!

College is the time when we come out of our shells and try out all the activities and hobbies we had left behind. IIIT-H gives us an ample amount of opportunities to participate in cultural events throughout the year. Even better, we are encouraged to start something of our own ,may it be a club or an event, if we are truly interested. Be it inter house competitions, helping out with the college fest, hackathons, there is something for everyone!

Going to college is as much about finding out who you really are as it is about getting that degree. Explore, learn, work, and most importantly, have fun! Welcome to IIIT!

Ameya Prabhu

BTech and MS by Research in Computer Science and Engineering

Batch of 2014

Hello folks! You’ve come to start a new journey! Guess what- You’ll probably love IIIT-H! To give you a peek into what waits ahead - You are free from the shackles of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Dive into Comp. Sci.! Follow your passions!

I was really passionate about research when I joined in. In IIIT-H, we get a lot of freedom. Yes! Explore your passions. I used to sit in random interesting lectures whenever I wanted to! I got to learn, I got to explore the R and D Labs! I could do what I’ve been waiting for, finally!

The first year for me was exciting and a bit frightening. Frightened of the consequences of living one heck of a life. By not being told what should I study anymore - I was, and you are free to explore Linguistics, Economics, Electronics and much more!

The consequences of following your passions are indeed breath-taking! Awesome friends, amazing time and even a few research paper in an international conference! Want to try out Entrepreneurship? Go ahead! Coding? Go ahead! Web Development? Go ahead! Opportunities are limitless, my friend!

Also, remember in your pursuit, the sayings of the wise- “With great freedom comes great responsibility”. The institute offers you some core courses that you ought to know well. Tip: Master them! They’re essential in the long run. Do your assignments! No, not on paper! Welcome to the evil OJ! You’ll know what that is, soon enough. :D

Make friends with your batchmates and seniors. They’re going to be some of your best buddies for the next few years, at least. Being a small but closely-knit community, everyone knows everyone - Juniors and seniors alike. They’ll help you in your moving past your hurdles, they’ll celebrate with you in your success!

Now is the time, my friends! Shed all the past fears, break from the shackl

Vaishnavi Pamulapati

B.Tech in Computer Science and MS by Research in Computational Linguistics

Batch of 2016

Passed the meticulous security guards, walked through the intermittently lit hostel corridor, and caught a glimpse of ever so many parents and students on my floor. I remember grudgingly going to the Orientation Day and listening to so many professors speak on the on goings of our college IIIT-H. We were assigned mentors from the second year to interact with us and help us get through our first days of college easily. I made 2 new friends that day and it was just the start!

Now let’s go two months down the lane. The guards knew me by name, and hostel felt like home; although I went home almost every weekend( mum missed me xD) I couldn’t wait to get back to college. In two months I made the best of friends and college became my second home! The frequent “meetings” we had in our balcony where we talked about our seniors who we interacted with were memories I will not forget. And then preparations for the Freshers cultural programme began. I met so many people, made so many friends – batchmates and seniors! But, there’s the academic pressure. Academics is most definitely a quintessential part of IIIT-H; I’m not going to lie to you about that. But, it’s very important for you to know, as juniors, that participating in extra curricular activities is equally important for you to grow in this university. And if you put your mind to it, you can divide time for both.

IIIT-H gives you opportunities for you to explore yourself. I have friends who never thought they could dance or sing so well before performing on stage. Our schooling might have been stringent but our college gives you so much freedom(yes, we have no curfew!) to do so much more. Let me remind you this, get to know all the clubs in our college. You’ll be surprised to know how many we have and never hesitate to participate in any!

So come out of your comfy shells, explore, make friends, learn, leave no stone unturned and have loads of fun, juniors! A hearty welcome to y’all!

Vivek Kaushal

B.Tech and MS by Research in Computer Science and Engineering

Batch of 2016

Welcome to IIIT!

It still feels unreal that an year has passed since my first day here, I remember all of it, the nerves, and the awkward small talk with people who were strangers back then, and are comrades now. The first few days are an adventure, finding new friends in your batchmates, your seniors, this is the time to follow your passion, let go of your fears, come out of your shell, and join clubs that interest you! Trust me on this, clubs are an amazing way to build upon your hobbies and interests.

One important thing that all of you need to understand is that school is over, last couple of years were tough, I know, but it is different now, you do not have a sword hanging above your neck anymore. You’ve chosen your field, and now is the time to go out, explore it, and master it.

The first year should not just be about your semester courses and programming assignments, you’ll have enough of that, don’t worry (or do?). I would rather encourage you all to explore our labs, use IIIT for what it’s renowned. We have some of the best researchers in our country developing technologies that will shape our future, use that proximity to sharpen yourselves, something or the other will surely interest you, and there is so much to learn. :D

This is it people, the most creative period of your life has just started. Pursue your talents, go for your dreams, aim for the stars, the world is your oyster today. It’s your college life, you’ll love it, you’ll hate it, but at the end of it, when you exit that campus gate for the very last time, you’ll be prepared to take on whatever the world throws at you.

Seize the day.

Also, ask for a chocolate-coffee at the Juice Canteen.

It’s awesome.